
Immortalise Your Wedding Bouquet

Painting commissions is an emotive experience for me. I love to capture a moment, a feeling, a special time in people's lives, enabling them to relive it, time and time again. What better way to do just that, than by having your wedding bouquet immortalised in paint.

You will have your very own unique painting of your bouquet, recapturing the essence of your special day in my own personal expressive artistic representation, drawing in the colours from the wedding theme and encapsulating the love, romance, and memories forever.


  • Use the contact form below to tell me about your wedding. Is it still in the making, or passed? The size of painting, and whether you would like it framed, and your location. Include an image of your bouquet.
  • I will then email you to arrange a time to chat, either on the phone or via video call in WhatsApp or Zoom, whichever is your preference.
  • Framing is optional and can be provided at an extra cost, we can discuss whether this is something you would prefer to undertake yourself or not at the beginning of the process, so it can be factored into the cost of the work.
  • If you decide to go ahead, I will send you an agreement to sign via email. This would also be when you would pay a non-refundable deposit or 40%.
  • I will send you clear images of the work during the latter stages of the painting, before final adjustments and varnishing.
  • Any adjustments are made, varnishing and framing is undertaken if required.
  • Final payment is then made, and delivery or collection is arranged. Delivery is charged at cost.
  • Certificates of authenticity are included with each painting.

If you are based in and around the Glasgow area it may be possible to visit you to discuss.

If for any reason I could not complete the work, such as illness or natural disaster your deposit will be returned to you in full.

Sonia Parisi Art