Art Prints Scotland



The Bouquet Series celebrates one of the most important days in a girl's life, her wedding day, shared and celebrated with her Mum. For some, though that day is also a time to reflect and to cherish the wonderful memory of your mum. This was the case for me and my friend Jenny as we both lost our precious mums before our weddings.

Jenny's wedding bouquet was the inspiration for this series, with her own beautiful tribute to her Mum entwined in her bouquet as she held it close. It brought me back to my wedding day as I recaptured my own personal thoughts and memories.

My expressive representation of this series was my way to capture the essence of this special celebration of love and keeping our precious memories alive.

Commision a Painting Shop Bouquet
Art Prints Scotland


A series inspired by my mum's hometown, Barga in Tuscany, now Known as 'The Most Scottish Town in Italy', due to the number of Italians who emigrated to Scotland at the end of the 19th century in search of a work. Many have returned over the years, and now a large proportion of the locals have Scottish relatives.

Our visit in 2020 was cancelled due to the pandemic, so instead of travelling to Barga, I brought Barga into our home by capturing the essence of the town, creating the feeling of being transported back to this Tuscan jewel.

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Art Prints Scotland

Time Travel

Inspired by the wonderful experiences of traveling and visiting Naples Italy, dad's birthplace. Fascinated with the mix of old-world charm and modern grit. I instantly felt a connection with Naples and wanted to capture my thoughts and encounters in an abstract way, using shape, colour, line, and collage.

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Art Prints Scotland


Without a plan or end vision in mind, I began building up layers of acrylic paint gliding through the layers with an old hair brush to create texture. At a point I remembered the tartan paper I had bought on a trip to the highlands and felt it would be the next stage of the process, continuing to add and subtract until my subconscious guided me towards the finished pieces. I love the sound of bagpipes and was fortunate that my late father-in-law was an accomplished player.

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Art Prints Scotland

Honeycomb Meadow

A series reminiscent of my childhood, playing and running freely through the fields close to our family home. starting this small series began with my love of mark making, using pencils, charcoal, graphite, just having fun and building up with acrylic paint, until you have chaos, and you begin to quieten parts down till you find something that speaks to you. You then just remember and know instantly.

Shop Honeycomb Meadow
Art Prints Scotland

Name of the Game

A series celebrating Italian's love of card games. I was enthralled as a child, watching my dad, uncles and grandfather sitting around the table, playing cards for hours on end. I've left the name of each picture to the viewers imagination, so they can choose a moniker that represents their favourite card game. I'm also a huge Abba fan and loved the idea of linking two of my favourite passions through my art.

Shop Name of the Game
Art Prints Scotland